Ahmad Atiyah

Full Stack Web Developer
(Master’s Degree Holder, Coding Bootcamp Graduate, Jordanian Native, Dallas Resident)

A Master's degree holder in Computer Science & Information Systems, who has completed a coding bootcamp to obtain/develop programming skills. I joined a Code Immersion program at Tech Talent South - Dallas, a Full Stack program that covered several Web Development topics including Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Deployment, APIs, Databases, Materialize, Git, GitHub, and Ruby Gems.

The Coding Program consisted of two major parts - during the first segment, the instructor covered all the topics included in the course starting from the basics of Web Development. The second and majority of the course was a three-member team project. We worked on a project to showcase what we learned during the Coding Program in which we were each able to develop standard coding techniques and practices in a team environment. (Please check the Recent Projects section for more details.)

Recent Projects

Projects developed during Code Immersion Bootcamp
Ruby on Rails - HTML - CSS - Git - Material Design

  • UGiftMe

  • UGiftMe is the main project that I worked on during the Code Immersion Program as mentioned above. , a social/wishlist website that allows users to find out what gift(s) their friends desire by simply visiting their page. Users can create events, wishlists, and share them with their friends.

    UGiftMe was developed using Ruby on Rails, and Material Design for the Front-end. We used several Ruby Gems including Devise, Public_Activity, and Nokogiri.

    Live Demo

    Test user: (medatiyah@gmail.com/password).

  • Blog App

  • Ruby on Rails Bloa App that allows users to create a blog account and share blog-posts.
    Gems used include: devise, pygments.rb, redcarpet, bootstrap-sass, will_paginate, and pg.

    Live Demo

    Test user: (medatiyah@gmail.com/password123).

  • Code Immersion Assignments

    • • Google Maps API.
    • • Weather API.
    • • Music-DB.
  • Expense Tracker - Android App

  • Developed an Android app as a final project for my graduate degree, using App Inventor 2.